ARTE TEDESCA TRA LE DUE GUERRE                                                                                          GERMAN ART BETWEEN THE TWO WARS                                                                                          DEUTSCHE KUNST ZWISCHEN DEN ZWEI KRIEGEN

Louis Christian Hess

(Bozen 1895 - Schwaz 1944)


A protagonist of the Munich Art, a citizen of Europe par excellence, he traveled and worked from Scandinavia to Sicily, but the Nazi tragedy chased him like a curse.

… while at Innsbruck his young life was being shattered by an air strike, in Sicily his sister Emma was putting his paintings out of harm’s way by taking them to anti-aircraft shelters...

We are looking for his works scattered throughout Europe, as well as those that he failed to sign in order to escape the Nazis after the Munich Glaspalast fire, and the ban placed on the Juryfreie of which he had been a leading force. 

Welcome to the site of the Christian Hess Association! Please come back often to see the progressive updates



Benny Goodman, Lionel Hampton & Teddy Wilson - Whispering (1936)


Studies & Researches


Among the sculptures by Christian Hess, a nearly prophetic significance should be attached to this definitely peculiar “Sphinx with Lola’s face” modeled with the sand of the Baltic at Wismar (summer 1924): just as the wind swept away the grains over the shore after just a few hours had elapsed, a few years later in just the same way the Nazi ostracism endeavored to disperse Hess’ works, particularly the sculptures, since it was hard for the artist to transfer them during his movements in search of asylum from Switzerland to Sicily and vice versa.


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